Scott Chapman
Estimating aboveground biomass dynamics of wheat at small spatial scale by integrating crop growth and radiative transfer models with satellite remote sensing data
A Generic Model to Estimate Wheat LAI over Growing Season Regardless of the Soil-Type Background
Global Wheat Head Detection 2021: An Improved Dataset for Benchmarking Wheat Head Detection Methods
Comparison of Modelling Strategies to Estimate Phenotypic Values from an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Spectral and Temporal Vegetation Indexes
Using a gene-based phenology model to identify optimal flowering periods of spring wheat in irrigated mega-environments
Genotype specific P-spline response surfaces assist interpretation of regional wheat adaptation to climate change
Coupling of machine learning methods to improve estimation of ground coverage from unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) imagery for high-throughput phenotyping of crops
Integrating Crop Growth Models with Remote Sensing for Predicting Biomass Yield of Sorghum
Designing crops for adaptation to the drought and high‐temperature risks anticipated in future climates
From QTLs to Adaptation Landscapes: Using Genotype-To-Phenotype Models to Characterize G×E Over Time
Combining Crop Growth Modeling and Statistical Genetic Modeling to Evaluate Phenotyping Strategies
Assessment of traits related with water productivity in the Australian wheatbelt using an improved version of the APSIM-Wheat model.
Extraction of phenotypic traits using unmanned aerial vehicle for field experiments in the agronomy and crop breeding
Assessment of traits related with water productivity in the Australian wheatbelt using an improved version of the APSIM-Wheat model.
Estimation of plot variability using unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) for the wheat breeding trials
The Value of Tactical Adaptation to El Niño–Southern Oscillation for East Australian Wheat
Estimation of aboveground biomass and leaf area for a wheat trial index using unmanned aerial vehicle
PhenoCopter: An cloud based solution for image processing captured by unmanned aerial vehicle in high throughput phenotyping
Estimation of plant height using a high throughput phenotyping platform based on unmanned aerial vehicle and self-calibration: Example for sorghum breeding
Projected impact of future climate on water-stress patterns across the Australian wheatbelt
PhenoCopter: An cloud based platform to manage, process and visualize images captured by unmanned aerial vehicle for high throughput phenotyping
The big impacts of image resolution on the estimation of ground coverage for wheat in UAV survey
Estimation of canopy height using an unmanned aerial vehicle in the field during wheat growth season
Assessment of canopy growth and development for three wheat cultivars under different water and nitrogen regimes
Improving the relationships used to define frost damage to wheat in crop models
Economic assessment of wheat breeding options for potential improved levels of post head-emergence frost tolerance
Dynamic monitoring of NDVI in wheat agronomy and breeding trials using an unmanned aerial vehicle
EasyPCC: Benchmark Datasets and Tools for High-Throughput Measurement of the Plant Canopy Coverage Ratio under Field Conditions
Drought in wheat – Past and future trends
Comparison of ground cover estimates from experiment plots in cotton, sorghum and sugarcane based on images and ortho-mosaics captured by UAV
Dynamic monitoring of canopy structure by time serial photography of early stage growth of wheat
Identification of Earliness Per Se Flowering Time Locus in Spring Wheat through a Genome-Wide Association Study
Improvement of the model capacity and assessment traits related with water use efficiency for wheat in Australia
Recent changes in southern Australian frost occurrence: implications for wheat production risk
Dynamic quantification of canopy structure to characterize early plant vigour in wheat genotypes
A standardized workflow to utilise a grid-computing system through advanced message queuing protocols
Assessment of the Potential Impacts of Wheat Plant Traits across Environments by Combining Crop Modeling and Global Sensitivity Analysis
Velocity of temperature and flowering time in wheat – assisting breeders to keep pace with climate change
Breeding for the future: How to adapt to frost, drought and heat impacts in Australian wheat
Heat stress effects on grain sorghum productivity – biology and modelling
Projected impacts of climate change on drought stresses in Australian wheat
Quantification of direct and indirect cost of frost for the Australian wheatbelt
Crop modelling to aid crop improvement
Gene-based prediction of heading time to target real-time and future climate adaptation in wheat
Predicting heading date and frost impact in wheat across Australia
Frost trends and their estimated impact on yield in the Australian wheatbelt
Crop design for specific adaptation in variable dryland production environments
Breeding for the future: How to adapt to potential impacts of future frost, drought and heat events on Australian wheat?
Breeding for the future – avoiding climate extremes and maximising yield of spring wheat in water-limited environments
Crop design for specific adaptation in variable dryland production environment
Predicting heading time of Australian wheat using effects of VRN1 and Ppd-D1
Role of genotypic variation in response to increasing temperatures in wheat
Using gene-based information to adapt wheat flowering time to avoid heat, frost and drought stresses in current and future climates
Quantification of the effects of VRN1 and Ppd-D1 to predict spring wheat (Triticum aestivum) heading time across diverse environments
Association genetics for earliness components and QTL-based ecophysiological predictions of heading date provide tools to optimize heading date through breeding
Wheat response to drought and heat - Using crop modelling to prepare for the future
Breeding for the future: what are the potential impacts of future frost and heat events on sowing and flowering time requirements for Australian bread wheat (Triticum aestivium) varieties?
Crop improvement, ideotyping and modelling under climate change
Frost and heat limits to the wheat flowering ‘window’ in present and future climates